
Brödernas Deli / När man firar

When Scandza/Brödernas Deli wanted to increase awareness of their Christmas products (with Edward Bloms picture on the packaging), we made a Christmas song! The song was a blink/tribute to the old internet song/phenomenon “När man festar festar man”. Listen to the full version here on Spotify.

On a minimal budget, short time frame and with limited visual resources from the client we managed to:
1. write and make a song together with a producer
2. cook, style, shoot and edit content for TikTok/Instagram
3. animate content/ads for online TV and social media
4. make printed POS-material instore

Art Director/Creative: Frida Eriksson
Copywriter/Creative: Linda Johannesson Pasquini

Business Lead: Illias Ioannidis
Head of Media Lab: Allex Olsson
Growth Marketeer: Adin Rozajac
Supporting Copywriter: Alice Westgårdh